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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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WC 13.09.21


If you are self- isolating then your class teacher will be in touch with more information about your phonics learning but please find below some other phonics activities to keep you busy. 

Phase 1 Phonics I Spy Game | I spy, with my little eye...

Watch the video below.
- How many objects can you see that begin with each sound?
- Can you think of anything else that begins with each of these sounds?


This week we are learning about the story Elmer. Watch the video below to hear the story. 

Elmer - The Patchwork Elephant

- Can you tell your grown up what happened in the story? 

- What was your favourite part of the story? Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story? 


Counting from 1 to 5 |

Sing along to this video and count the animals

Time to subitise! Can you spot the circle with 5 stars, try to do it without counting first.

Can you match the number to the spots?

The shape song

Sing along to the shape song!

Can you see any shapes around your house? 

What shape is your TV?

What about your washing machine?

Walk around your home and see what shapes you can find!

Can you draw any of the shapes you find?
