Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing
As a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities. We have created a whole school culture that helps build our children’s resilience, confidence and self-esteem as well as teaching them how to self-regulate in those stressful times.
As part of our commitment to promoting good mental health for our children and families, Miss Jordan has been undertaking the Mental Health Lead Training and Mrs Wahed has been attending Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Lead.
Here is a link to a video which outlines ten ‘top tips’ for parents to help you to support your child with their mental health and wellbeing. We hope you find it useful.
Our comprehensive approach ensures children are equipped with the tools they need to understand and manage their mental health effectively. Here’s how we make a difference:
Pastoral Care and SEL Programme
Our pastoral team, led by Tanya Hall and Katie Hughes, delivers a robust Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programme, including the Zones of Regulation. These initiatives help children develop emotional awareness, self-regulation skills, and resilience in a nurturing environment.
Awareness and Engagement
- Awareness Days and Assemblies: We hold regular awareness events and assemblies to educate and encourage open conversations about mental health.
- Daily Mile: This daily physical activity promotes physical and mental wellbeing, helping students feel refreshed and ready to learn.
PSHE Curriculum
Our Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) curriculum explicitly teaches knowledge and skills to support mental health and wellbeing. These concepts are reinforced in RE, Science, PE, and other subjects to ensure a holistic learning experience.
- We use the language of mental health frequently to normalize conversations, reduce stigma, and empower students to seek help when needed.
- Our progressive and age-appropriate curriculum builds knowledge and understanding step-by-step, enabling students to develop confidence and resilience over time.
- Mindfulness: Students learn and practice mindfulness techniques, understanding how they can support positive mental health.
Collective Worship Programme
Our collective worship sessions further support mental health through themes like:
- Mindfulness
- Resilience
- Kindness
- Celebrating Differences
- Empathy
- Staying Safe
Clayton St John Primary School is proud to be 'Embracing the Thrive Approach.' Thrive is a wellbeing tool that focuses on supporting the social and emotional development of resilient learners. Relationships are key in ensuring that we effectively support our young people and Thrive provides the tools to support professionals.