Home Learning
How to log onto Google Classroom for the first time

We are using Google Classroom to deliver our remote learning to your child; we will make this change on Monday 11th January. Please be patient with us; we have had 2 days to get this system up and running so there will be glitches to sort out!
- Please login to your child’s account using the following: -
no spaces
use hyphens e.g. daisy-may
2. The initial password is formatted as: -
claytonyr claytony2 claytony5
use the number that corresponds to your child’s year group.
Y1 password is - qwertyui
3. Once you have logged in, you will be prompted to change the password.
4. Then you will be asked to select ‘student’ – this is quite important.
5. Enter your class code (to follow separately)
We would like you to try to log your child in so that they are ready to join their class at
9.00 am on Monday morning.
We will check your progress and if necessary, we will telephone to offer you some help. We will add a short video to our site to help you to login.
Welcome to our Home Learning Zone.
This is where we will set activities for you to complete at home, together with providing the necessary support and guidance you may require.
Within this zone you will see;
A Video Centre where you will find videos of activities and guidance on how to approach tasks. You can also see your own videos here.
A Class Blog which is where we will communicate with you. You can access your class blog and post questions or comments you have about the activities you are completing.
Links to useful external websites for PE activities,
In order to access the blog and start to communicate with your teacher you will require your blogging username and password which your teacher will provide.