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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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WC 10.01.22


If you are self- isolating then your class teacher will be in touch with more information about your phonics learning but please find below some other phonics activities to keep you busy. 

Set 1 sounds

- Watch the video above. Can you say all the sounds?

- Practise writing each of the sounds, forming your letters correctly. 

- Can you think of any words beginning with these sounds? 

- Can you write any of these words?

RWI Set 2 Sounds

Word time


Have a look at this sheet about equal and unequal groups.

Can you share out something equally in your house? Maybe you could share out some snack with a group up. Have you shared it equally? If not how can you make it equal?

Equal and Unequal groups

Now we're looking at number bonds to 5! Can you make 5 using two groups? Use something in your house like apples. Can you count out 5 apples and split them into 2 groups? 3 apples and 2 apples makes 5. Now try again with 3 groups!!



Have a go at this sheet and see if you can work out how many buttons there are altogether.......

How many altogether?
