Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Mrs Chamberlain and Mrs Rhodes are the adults in class 2 Blue.
In class 2 Green we have Mrs Whincup, Mrs Smith, Mrs McEvoy, Miss Holroyd and Mrs Aspinall.
We have lots of exciting things planned for this year to help get us ready for SATs. In Maths we will be learning all about the different operations and use a range of resources that we have in our classroom.
We will also be reading, learning and writing our own stories and texts to fit with our topics.
This year we will be learning about The Fire of London, Captain James Cook as well as other exciting topics.
Please try to read with your child at least 3 times a week. Books are sent home on a Friday. Please return reading books on a Monday as they need to be quarantined for 72 hours.
We are all looking forward to this year and we are excited for you to show us how much you already know and can learn.
Welcome Back!
We have missed you all and can't wait to see you all back in school.
Just in case you need to stay at home, we have put the work below for you to do at home.
Happy New Year!
Welcome Back! We are really looking forward to seeing you all back this week and hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year!
Please note:
Online learning from W/B 11.1.21 will be using Google Classrooms.
For information on how to get to your Google Classroom go to:
D&T - Sewing
This half term in year 2 we have been sewing. The children designed their own gingerbread Christmas tree decoration. We had lots of practise threading a needle and using a running stitch to attach 2 pieces of fabric.
The whole year group worked really hard on their project and produced some amazing decorations for their Christmas trees at home. Here are a few photographs of the children sewing and the finished product!
Well done Year 2!

If you need to work from home because you are isolating then please look at the websites below to follow their work:
Year 2 Green Video of prize draw

Our Year 2 Green class chose the winner for the dinner prize drawer