HAF (Holiday Activities Funding) Summer Activities FREE
If your child has FSM, you will already or soon receive a code that will enable you to sign up for FREE funded summer activities. You will need to sign into the HAF Parent Portal to do this- https://bradford.haf.fun/login
Each session includes lunch/snacks/drinks.
Clayton Community Association are running the following-
31st July- 3rd August- ALL TEED UP LTD- Sports & Physical Activities- Monday-Thursday. Meet at Clayton Village Hall at 10am. Finish 2pm
7-11th August- MUSICAL THEATRE SUMMER SCHOOL- Music, singing, dancing & games- Monday- Friday. (Also includes breakfast). AT CLAYTON VILLAGE HALL Monday-Thursday 9.15am-3pm, Friday 2pm-7.30pm (early tea in between performances)
14-15th August- KAYAKING- DOE PARK- Secondary school age only. Limited numbers of 6 per session. There are 4 sessions both AM & PM. MEET AT CLAYTON VILLAGE HALL. 9am-AM SESSIONS,(Back for 1pm) 11.30am- PM SESSIONS (Back for 4pm)
22nd August- PONDEROSA ZOO TRIP- Family day trip via coach to Ponderosa in Heckmondwike. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Max 3 children per adult. Includes a buffet lunch. MEET AT THE THORNABY HUB at 9.30am. We plan to be back for 4pm. (Adults- £10 per ticket- includes travel, entry & lunch)
31st August- FAMILY FUN DAY at THE THORNABY HUB, Spider Mountain, Bouncy castle, sports, arts & games. Everyone welcome. 11am-3pm.
Please decide which activity or activities you would like to do and let me know. Please also confirm if your child has SEND issues to enable us to support them the best way we can. You can either reply to this e mail- thethornabyhub@yahoo.com or text the number below. Please include the name of your child/children.
All adults will be added to a WhatsApp group for each activity they have signed their child up for. Further information will be sent out nearer the time.
In the meantime, if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Best Regards
Amanda Harris B.A (Hons), A.L.A.M
Community Development Centre Manager
07711 955950
The Thornaby Hub, Tanton Walk, Clayton, BD14 6HA
Clayton Estate Community Action Group
Registered Charity No. 1147870
Clayton Village Hall, Reva Syke Road, Clayton, BD14 6HA
Clayton Community Association
Registered Charity No. 507697
To Book via Bradford HAF Portal click here