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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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Morning work


Can you ask a grown up to write these numbers down? Can you fill in the missing numbers?

1___ 3___5    6___8   9 ___



See the video library below for today's phonics video. 

Remember to scroll right down the page to find today's date



Look at the picture. Can you make a ' talking sentence' about the picture, eg. it is big.

Tell your grown up.

Challenge: Can you write your caption using your sounds? (without copying a grown ups writing?)


See the video library below for today's maths lesson. 

Practise adding 2 groups of objects with your grown up.


Remember to practise using key maths words.

e.g. 2 add 3 equals 5


Challenge- how could you mark down how you have combined your groups?
