Good Morning, here is your work for today. All work can be completed in your yellow book. All work to be emailed to
Morning work:
Can you write your name 3 times?
English: This week we are learning the story The Enormous Turnip. Watch the story below and talk to your grown up about what happens in the story.
Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story?
Can you count to 20?
Practise " tennis counting" with a grown up. See Mrs Poor's video for how to do this.
If you can't print the more or less document, ask a grown up to draw objects in your book, for you to colour which have more.
More or less
follow the link for our video centre for todays videos
Use the link above to access a range of age appropriate books. On the website click on class login and login for free using the details below:
For Reception Blue Class:
Username: Reception Blue sw
Password: Reception123
For Reception Green Class:
Username: Reception Green hp
Password: Reception123