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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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Wednesday 4th November


Please take a photograph of any completed work to



  1. Open up the Reading lesson document (Reading Day 2).  
  2. Skim read the extract from yesterday again.
  3. Work your way through the lesson document and write down any answers or discussions in to your book.  


We are going to continue our work on ‘Cicada’ by Shaun Tan.

  1. Start by listening to the story again.
  2. Find the English lesson and follow through.
  3. Use the picture and question document to help you complete your analysis of the 3 images and the text.


Miss Riley’s class

  1. Today we continue our learning on the long division method.
  2. Open up the lesson and follow through. Remember to explain your answers.

Mrs Butt’s group

  1. Today you will be continuing your work on subtraction.
  2. Open up the document labelled ‘Mrs Butt’s Maths 2’ and follow through. There is a video link on there that will help you.


  1. This half term we will be continuing our work on ‘How do we keep healthy as we grow?’.
  2. Today we will be learning about dental hygiene
  3. Follow the notebook through and complete the activities.  

