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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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W.b. 07.12.20

The Gruffalo - Read by Alan Mandel

Listen to the story again. 

Can you retell the story to your grown up?

Can you draw the different animals on the story? 

Phase 1 Phonics I Spy Game (Initial Sounds Game)

Can you find the initial sound for each picture?

How to say the sounds

Listen to the video and join in with the sounds. 

What letter sounds do you have in your name? Can you practise writing your name?

Can you find any letters around your house? 

Counting Numbers | Numbers 1-10 lesson for children

1. Count along with the video. Do you recognise the numbers? 

2. Go on a number hunt around your house and see where you can find numbers. 

3.Can you try and write some of the numbers? 

Kids Yoga To Calm Their Minds 🌈 Yoga Club (Week 16) | Cosmic Kids
