W.b. 02.11.20
This week we are learning about the very hungry caterpillar.
Can you listen to the story with your grown up?
Can you tell your grown up your favourite part of the story?
Where did the caterpillar come from?
Why was he hungry?
What food did he eat?
How many strawberries did the caterpillar eat?
Listen to the story again to see if you are right!
Here are some of the foods the caterpillar eats.
1) Can you tell a grown up what they are?
2) What sound do they begin with? (for example salami begins with 'ssssss' and cupcake begins with 'c')
3) Does any of the food begin with the same letter that is in your name?
4) Which food do you like best on the picture?
5) With a grown-up make a list of the food the caterpillar eats. Remember to draw the pictures carefully. Have a go at copying some of the words if you like. You could take a picture of it and send a picture to our Nursery email address.
click here if you would like to print and cut out your pictures
Can you make a caterpillar?
You could:
- draw round a cup to make circles for your caterpillar body.
- use bits of old packaging to stick onto your caterpillar to make a collage.
- use bottle lids.
- draw it by yourself using a good pencil grip (remember how we show you).
- make it a short, long, fat or thin caterpillar.
Shape Hunt
Look at the shapes above.
1) What are they called?
2) Talk about the shapes with your grown-up (round, pointy, flat)
3) Objects in our house are made up of shapes. Look at the pictures below. Have a look around your house to see anything that is round like a circle, has straight sides like a square etc. Take pictures of what you find.
4) What shape is: your table, your favourite book, a clock, an ice-cream cone, a pumpkin?

What objects were the same shape as a:
1) circle
2) rectangle
3) square
4) triangle
1) Watch the video (you can skip the part of making a spider if you want).
2) Tell your grown-up a rhyme.
3) Can you work with a grown up to make up a rhyming string (for example sun, fun, bun; cat, hat, mat; dog, log, fog). Keep repeating it.
4) Draw some rhyming pictures.
1) Watch the video
2) Talk about what you name begins with.
3) Think of other things that begin with the same sound.
4) Get 5 objects from around your house. Talk to your grown up about what they are. What sound do they begin with?
5) Go on a sound hunt - look for things that begin with 't'.
6) Make a list of what you find.