Tuesday 20th October
Please take a photograph of any completed work to Y6@claytonce.bradford.sch.uk
- Open up the Reading lesson document and the document titled ‘The Lost Queen’.
- This week, we will be completing a reading assessment based on the 2016 SAT papers. We will complete one text per day.
- Work your way through the lesson document and then mark your answers.
- Send your scores in to the Y6 email address of you can do.
Today we will continue our poetry learning. We will look at a new poem.
- Find the English lesson and follow through.
- Listen to the videos to help you recite the poem.
- Follow the lesson through and use the information to help you understand what it is about.
Miss Riley’s class
- Today we will begin our learning on the long division method.
- Watch the division 1 video on- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/week-5/
- Open up the lesson and follow through. You may want to use the examples to complete in your book.
Mrs Butt’s group
- Today you will be looking at your subtraction.
- Open up the document labelled ‘Mrs Butt’s Maths’ and follow through. There is a video link on there that will help you.
- Open up the History lesson and follow through.
- Create a presentation to showcase your knowledge and understanding on the Ancient Egyptians.
- Please email any work you have produced so that we can print it for your books.