Please take a photograph of any completed work to Y6@claytonce.bradford.sch.uk
- Open up the Reading lesson document and open up the ‘Human-like cyborg eye’ reading text.
- Read and complete the lesson.
- Record any answers in to your book.
Today we will be on Day 2 of our Poetry unit.
- Find the English lesson and follow through.
- Today we will continue our work on division.
- Click on this link that will give you some videos to support your methods
- Open up the lesson and follow through.
- Complete all questions and answers in to your home learning book.
PE :
Yesterday, in PSHCE we looked at how exercise helps our bodies. To follow on from this lesson use the link below to complete a work out.
- Open up the History lesson.
- Read through and watch the videos.
- You will also need to open up the sequencing pictures and the mummification reading text to support you.
- Record your explanation text ‘How Mummies are made’ in your books.