At Clayton St John CE Primary School, we love learning all about the world around us through science with a sense of curiosity and wonder. We develop our investigative attitude and skills by exploring and experimenting, trying and improving, sharing and explaining. We believe future scientists, engineers, medical professionals, teachers, technicians, astronomer, botanists and a whole host more, begin their careers at primary school.
We aim that all pupils will:
- Have acquired scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through studying the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
- Have acquired knowledge and understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
- Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses of science – today and in the future.
How we do this:
- We provide purposeful, challenging and engaging science lessons.
- The units of work we teach have been specifically chosen and build on previous learning.
- We provide opportunities for children to work both collaboratively and independently.
- We listen carefully to our children’s ideas, respond to their ideas and extend their thinking.
- Knowledge is the starting point of each scientific unit, text based lessons are encouraged while lesson starters help embed knowledge.
- We link our curriculum to the real world and make the most of opportunities both locally, nationally and globally.
- Knowledge organisers are created for each unit, in each year group to allow children to reference when needed.
- Learning objectives will have a clear skill, context and concept.
- Work is recorded in every lesson, in an individual science book and each lesson will be taught by a teacher.
Long Term Plan
Useful Resources
Science in Action