Religious Education
RE Intent:
Religious Education
At Clayton St John we recognise that R.E is a core academic subject which aims to develop the theological and religious literacy of our children through the study of the main religions. We strive to equip our children with the means to undertake a meaningful dialogue with those of differing beliefs and in so doing give them the tools to live in a diverse and ever-changing world. We celebrate and appreciate the viewpoints of others whilst still maintaining our Christian ethos.
*Please note that parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE lessons.
How we do it:
- Making sense of belief
- Understanding the impact
- Making connections
Our approach is that all children in our care are entitled to a curriculum that develops their confidence in who they are and what they believe, whilst still promoting respect and acknowledgment of the beliefs of others. We have created a curriculum that builds on prior learning and skills throughout the different year groups, both for Christianity using the (Understanding Christianity resource) and other religions/faith enquiries.
Our RE curriculum both supports and provides our children with a safe environment where they feel confidence to share their ideas, opinions and beliefs and through open discussion, encourages children to widen their experiences and their understanding of their own role within the school community and the wider world.
Collective worship
Collective Worship is also an integral part of our practice within Clayton St John. We choose a Christian Value as a basis for our work each term and also use a mix of themes linked to the liturgical year, Religious Feasts and Festivals and social and moral issues as a basis for our worship. Our community may be at different stages on their spiritual journey but we plan to provide all with the opportunity to think and ask questions, consent and dissent, to participate and to stand back and to reflect.
As a school, we concentrate on the 3 I's for collective worship. Inclusive, Invitational and Inspiring.
Our worship council works with the worship lead to develop children's understanding and lead worships.
We are delighted that The Reverend Canon Vaughan Pollard and Lucy Brown leads worship in school.
Links to our current Collective Worship themes can be found below.
Collective worship plan
Key links