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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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Have a look at the pictures. Can you say what the picture is? Have a go at saying the beginning sound. If you're unsure your grown up can help you?

RWI Speed Sounds Lesson 8 - p

Read, Write, Inc. Speed Sounds Lessons introduce initial sounds to learners. Our videos are designed to support families at home following lessons taking pla...

RWI Speed Sounds Lesson 9 - g

Read, Write, Inc. Speed Sounds Lessons introduce initial sounds to learners. Our videos are designed to support families at home following lessons taking pla...

RWI Speed Sounds Lesson 10 - o

Read, Write, Inc. Speed Sounds Lessons introduce initial sounds to learners. Our videos are designed to support families at home following lessons taking pla...

RWI Speed Sounds Lesson 11 - c

Read, Write, Inc. Speed Sounds Lessons introduce initial sounds to learners. Our videos are designed to support families at home following lessons taking pla...

RWI Speed Sounds - Lesson 12 K
