Personal Health and Social
Why our PSHE curriculum looks like this:
PSHE enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
How PSHE is taught at Clayton.
At Clayton we deliver the PSHE curriculum by utilising first-hand experience and sharing good practice and it is every staff member’s responsibility to do this by being a role model and having high expectations. We have created our PSHE curriculum by using the PSHE association.
In EYFS at Clayton we teach PSHE through our day to day curriculum.
The core purpose in EYFS is to teach children the rules, routines and boundaries which they will need throughout their lives. Children learn how to be kind and caring to one another and the importance of expressing their feelings. The objectives taken from the EYFS development matters are all embedded throughout children’s journey in early years.
At Clayton, we believe that PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and needs to be taught at least weekly; although there will also be opportunity to make cross curricular links and these opportunities should not be missed. This enables staff to ensure full coverage of the PSHE scheme of work. There are always occasions where staff may feel it necessary to teach PSHE as a result of an issue which has arisen in their own class.
PSHE is integral to the development of children’s values in order for them to become a positive citizen in a forever changing community.
PSHE is an important part of school assemblies and collective worship were children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.
The delivered curriculum reflects the needs of our pupils and is tailored to meet specific needs using resources from the PSHE Association, we adapt our planning and resources for our SEND pupils. We expect teachers to use the PSHE programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. Developing our children's understanding of Protected Characteristics and British Values through our whole curriculum.
The curriculum is divided into the following topics:-
- Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing;
- Physical health and wellbeing;
- Keeping safe and managing risks;
- Identity, Society and Equality;
- Drug, alcohol and tobacco education;
- Mental health and emotional wellbeing;
- Sex and relationship education.
Throughout the year we also focus on a number of safeguarding themes including:
- Anti bullying;
- Hate crimes;
- E safety weeks with constant reminders weekly through collective worships.
- Drug awareness
- Online safety
- Extremism and radicalization (year 5 & 6)
PSHE events
Pupil voice
PSHE Long term plan
RSE stands for “relationships and sex education” and is part of Relationships and Health Education. The new Relationships and Health Education 2020 curriculum is designed to:
Help all children grow up healthy, happy and safe.
Give all children the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
Support all children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain.
Prepare all children for a successful adult live
By the time a child finishes primary school, they will have been taught about the following in Relationships Education:
Family and people who care for them.
Caring friendships.
Respectful relationships.
Online relationships.
Being safe
The physical health and mental wellbeing part of the new RSE curriculum will teach the children how to:
Make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.
Recognise issues in themselves.
Recognise issue in others.
Seek support as early as possible when issues arise.
Mental wellbeing.
Internet safety and harms.
Physical health and fitness.
Healthy eating.
Facts about drugs, alcohol and drugs and the risks
associated with them.Health and prevention of illness.
Basic first aid.
Changes to the adolescent body.
Parents cannot withdraw their child from any part of the Relationships and Health Education aspects of the RSE curriculum. It is important for ALL children to be taught the content on such essential matters.
Parents have been consulted upon the RSE policy. The policy can be found in the policy section on the website.