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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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Please take a photograph of any completed work to


  1. Open up the Reading lesson document.
  2. Find the page saying ‘Monday’.
  3. Read and complete the lesson.
  4. Record any answers in to your book.


English:  This week we will begin a new writing topic on 'Poetry'. We will be focusing on imagery and language. 

1. Open up the lesson and follow through. You will see links to help support your learning and a task to write in your books at the end. 


  1. Today we will review your learning about 'division'. What methods have you used?
  2. Use the lesson document below to work through. Read through the success criteria to help you with the method.
  3. If you are struggling, please email the Y6 email and a teacher will ring you to help you through it.


  1. Last week, we looked at healthy diets.
  2. This week, we are going to be looking at how exercise helps our body.
  3. Open up the PSHE lesson and follow through
  4. Complete the task and design a exercise timetable. 