By the end of Y6 we want our pupils to:-
- Have high standards of language and literacy.
- Have a strong command of spoken and written English.
- Have a love of literature and read widely for pleasure and information.
- Be able to read fluently and with good understanding.
- Have developed the habit of reading widely and often for pleasure and for information.
- Have developed a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and the language conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
- Have an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage.
- Write clearly in a range of styles for different purposes and audiences.
- Be able to explain their ideas and understanding clearly and use discussion to help them to learn.
- Be able to use speaking and listening effectively in a range of different contexts – formal and informal.
English Curriculum
Our English Curriculum is taught through 3 stages of writing.
We use a text / book that is linked to the curriculum as a stimulus for writing.
- We read, learn and understand the Book.
- We learn more about the structure and language used within that genre.
- We use the learning that we have done to write our own text.
If you would like to learn more about the three stages then click on the star below:
Long Term Plan Writing
Here are some of the books that we use as a stimulus in our writing.
Love Your Words
From EYFS to Y6 we explicitly teach vocabulary to support the development of oracy and writing:
Taught daily throughout the English unit (even during the writing stage)
Recorded daily in books
Displayed in classrooms
Flashcards to recap previously taught vocabulary
Words chosen are from WAGOLL
Words are added to a spreadsheet and are tracked to show progression
Love your Words are highlighted in yellow in English books
Grammar in Context
Taught daily within the English lesson
Recorded in English book
Different grammar skills and knowledge taught through sentences related to the WAGOLL
Prior learning is revisited daily and throughout the year
Taken from year groups writing expectations