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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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Welcome back! It's a new half-term!

Our topic is 'Down on the Farm'.

The Little Red Hen

Welcome to Molly's Story Time.The tale is sensitively retold, following Little Red Hen as she finds some grains of wheat, plants the seeds and looks after th...

Tell your grown-up what happened in the story.


Who are the characters?


Where does the story happen?


What did the Little Red Hen need help with?

Can you be creative and make a sheep?


The pictures show they have used white paint, cotton wool and black card. If you don't have any of these things then you could for some recycling materials like empty cereal boxes and wrappers. You could draw a sheep and colour it in. Have fun! Don't forget to take a picture and send it to 

Numbers 0-9

Can you practise writing the numbers? 

Have a go with different colours.

Choose a number and ask your grown-up to write a number in a big size. Can you find that many objects and place them on top of the number? Take some photo's of your counting and send them to our email address. 


We play with Numicon everyday in our classroom. Each one above shows a different number. See if you can tell your grown up the answer to these questions.

  • What number is the orange Numicon? 
  • What number is the yellow Numicon? 
  • What shape is the dark blue Numicon? 
  • What colour is the number 7 Numicon?
  • What number comes after the light green Numicon piece?
  • Can you ask your grown up a question about the Numicon and see if they know the answer!


Our Little Red Hen story has different characters. Can you draw your favourite character? What sound does your favourite character make? What letter sound does it begin with? Can you colour it in the correct colour? We can't wait to see your drawings!


RWI Speed Sounds Lesson 1 - m

Read, Write, Inc. Speed Sounds Lessons introduce initial sounds to learners. Our videos are designed to support families at home following lessons taking pla...

Can you say these words:


mum   mug   mop  man   map   mad

Can you think of anything that begins with 'm'? Tell your grown up!

Keep practising your m by saying maisie mountain mountain. Take a photo of your writing.


Remember to keep practising writing your name or if it's a bit too tricky just some letters.

RWI Speed Sounds Lesson 2 - a

Read, Write, Inc. Speed Sounds Lessons introduce initial sounds to learners. Our videos are designed to support families at home following lessons taking pla...

Well done boys and girls! You are trying really hard at home. Hopefully we will get to see you really soon! Keep playing with your toys, making up stories and just having fun! See you really soon!