This week's story is Night Monkey Day Monkey
Tell your grown up about the Night monkey.
Tell your grown up about the Day monkey.
What is different about them?
What is the same about them?
What did the day monkey think the moon was and the stars?
Watch again! See if you were right!
Can you draw a monkey?
This picture is very small!
Can you tell your grown up what you can see on the monkey?
- 1 round head (circle shape)
- 1 body
- 2 legs and 2 arms
- 2 feet
- 2 hands
- 1 long tail
- 2 eyes
- 1 nose
- 1 mouth
- 2 ears
Now have a try at drawing or painting your own monkey. Can you remember to draw everything a monkey has on it?
Can you give it a name?
Email a photo of your monkey to:
Night monkey, Day Monkey is a rhyming story. Did you hear any words that rhymed? Can you tell your grown up.
Phonics - Rhyming
Look at these Rhyming pictures with your grown - can you say the words and hear the rhyme?
Can you tell your grown up what these pictures are?
They begin with the same sound. Can you hear it as you say each one?
The begin with the 'b' sound.
As a challenge can you find something in your house that begins with a 'b'. Get your grown up to take a photo of you finding it and send it to nursery@claytonce.bradford.sch.uk
Can you tell your grown up what these pictures are?
They begin with the same sound. Can you hear it as you say each one?
The begin with the 'sssssss' sound.
As a challenge can you find something in your house that begins with a 's'. Get your grown up to take a photo of you finding it and send it to nursery@claytonce.bradford.sch.uk
This week we are continuing to learn to count objects. Can you look at these pictures of animals that can be found in a jungle and count how many there are? Tell your grown up how many you count.
Story time