This half-term our topic is called 'Dark night, Bright Stars'.
Owl Babies - have a look at the picture. What do you think will happen in the story? Tell your grown up your ideas.
How many owls are in the story?
What are their names?
What is the biggest owl called?
Why were the owls sad?
Where was their mummy?
What happened at the end of the story?
Draw a picture of the three owls - one big, one medium and one small?
Mummies are very special. Can you draw a picture of your mummy and have a go at writing mummy with your picture?
We are learning to count objects. Can you count the pictures? Remember to touch each one as you count them.
Can you find any objects to count around your house to help you practise your counting?
It could be:
Counting a handful of lego pieces.
Coins in a purse.
Teddies on your bed.
Number of cars/babies you have?
Or anything else you want.
You might want to teach your grown up how we learnt to count at school - remember to put your objects in a line.
Can you say what the object is and hear the beginning sound? It might help to say it a few times. Get a grown up to help you.
Get yourself moving with Cosmic Kids! Have fun!