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Clayton St. John C of E Primary School

Growing together in God’s love

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CSJ Behaviour Curriculum


How we teach our expectations and routines at CSJ:

Through our planned curriculum and daily interactions with each other:

  • We IDENTIFY the behaviour we expect
  • We explicitly TEACH the behaviour we expect.
  • We MODEL the behaviour we are expecting.
  • We PRACTISE the behaviour that we expect.
  • We NOTICE positive behaviour.


Our key habits and routines:

  • Clear and simple routines that we practise every day.
  • Regular worship programme to reinforce expectations.
  • Weekly rewards assembly to identify the behaviours we expect.
  • Smooth, embedded transitions to maintain a calm atmosphere.
  • Weekly PSHE lessons and the wider, carefully planned Personal Development curriculum ensuring that all pupils can develop and flourish as individuals. 
  • Clear behaviour expectations, shared and understood by everyone.

Responding to individual needs at CSJ:

  • An ambitious curriculum that meets an individual’s needs through skilful adaptive teaching strategies.
  • Planned opportunities for pastoral support throughout the day that forges positive relationships amongst pupils and staff.
  • Restorative approaches to incidents to prevent further incidents or issues between peers.
  • Pastoral Support for pupils who need extra support and time to support in dealing with challenging behaviour, strategies utilised with pupils to promote positive behaviour within the classroom and school.
  • Multi agency approach, where we work together as professionals with families and young people to make them successful.

"Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Schools need to manage behaviour well so they can provide calm, safe and supportive environments which children and young people want to attend and where they can learn and thrive. Being taught how to behave well and appropriately within the context they’re in is vital for all pupils to succeed personally".


Behaviour in Schools Behaviour in schools

Advice for headteachers and school staff September 2022

CSJ Behaviour Curriculum
